A book launch and some quiet time

Last weekend was the official launch of Some Fish! Thanks to the wonderful crew at Dymocks Neutral Bay, I met with many excited readers and got to chat about the book and sign some pages.

The whole journey to date seems so surreal and while most kids are excited, Doris and Gert are a little less so. For them, they have seen it slowly come to life over these last two years. I will be putting together an article in coming weeks for anyone else out there who is hoping to be published or not sure what the traditional publishing journey looks like.

It has been a fun process, with the highs and lows that come with it. I feel very fortunate that I have a brilliant publisher and editor, especially on the first one. They have been a huge help with guidance and no question has seemed to ‘silly’.

While the launch was successful, the week after is much quieter and I am glad it was so. As anyone who is a bit more introverted will tell you, events with high energy tend to take it out of you and you need a few days of quiet space for equilibrium to resume. Over a decade in public speaking events, coaching and consulting certainly taught me the lessons in that arena.

And now, with Fish out into the world, it’s time to focus on the next thing. More manuscripts, including a middle grade that is plodding along, and some picture books out for submission. Plus, getting more love for the shiny, glittery and wonderful goodness that celebrates Fish, especially those with moustaches!


Adventures with the mini’s